Donate to MARS

It is possible to donate using the link below. All our mentors are volunteers, so 100% of donations goes directly to the team! We strive to create a program that is accessible to any student regardless of economic status, your generous donation makes it possible for all students to have the opportunity to take part in our program.


Sponsorship and How it Works

Sponsoring your local robotics team is a great way to support science and engineering education in the Morgantown area. 100% of donations go towards competition registration fees, outreach supplies, supporting our elementary and middles school teams, robot parts, and team travel expenses to attend our regional competitions and the FIRST Championship in Houston.

MARS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, offering sponsoring organizations the ability to make tax deductible contributions to the team. You can make a donation to MARS by sending a check or money order made payable to Mountaineer Area RoboticS with Mountaineer Area RoboticS on the memo line in the enclosed envelope to 135 Willey Street, Morgantown WV. Email for more info.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Olympus Mons Donor – $5000 and up

    • Listing in all literature

    • Logo on team #2614 website

    • Listing on t-shirt

    • Name and logo on robot

    • Identification as primary sponsor in team name

    • Receive MARS Sponsor Newsletter

  • Valles Marineris Donor – $1000-$4999

    • Listing in all literature

    • Logo on team #2614 website

    • Listing on t-shirt

    • Name on robot

    • Trading shirt and Thank You letter

    • Receive MARS Sponsor Newsletter

  • Hellas Basin Donor – $250-$999

    • Listing in all literature

    • Name on team #2614 website

    • Trading shirt and Thank You letter

    • Receive MARS Sponsor Newsletter

  • Utopia Planitia Donor – $50-$249

    • Listing in all literature

    • Name on team #2614 website

    • Receive MARS Sponsor Newsletter